宣布填写申请的时间表! 2024 Hebei省普通大学入学考试申请申请说明在这里
2025-03-18 18:04:17发布 浏览15次 信息编号:196599
宣布填写申请的时间表! 2024 Hebei省普通大学入学考试申请申请说明在这里
2024 Hebei省普通大学入学考试申请通知
为了帮助候选人填写其申请,我们汇编了“ 2024年赫比省通用大学入学考试申请的说明”,并要求候选人仔细阅读它们。
2。首次登录时,候选人必须仔细阅读“ 2024年大学入学考试申请承诺信”并确认承诺。
3。在填写申请的指定时间内,候选人单击“填充”按钮,输入“ 2024 Hebei Assip审查申请表”页面。
4。单击您要填写的批处理(段),然后输入此批次(段)的应用程序应用程序页面。选择计划和主题类别的性质(填写大学和高级运动队的特殊计划的候选人还必须选择他们获得的资格类型),然后输入学校代码和主要代码(顺序志愿者还必须选择是否“服从专业调整”),然后在完成应用程序后单击“保存”按钮。成功节省后,返回“ 2024 Hebei省普通大学入学考试申请表”页面,您应用的申请将显示在“填充志愿者”列中。
填写志愿者的操作过程可以登录到省教育考试研究所()的网站,以查看“ 2024年赫比省通用大学和大学招生申请的指示”。
5。在网上填写申请之前,候选人应首先填写“ 2024 Hebei 审查候选人的申请表”,并在思考时尽量不要在线填写申请。这不仅提高了在线填写应用程序的效率和准确性,而且还避免了网络拥塞。如果候选人在登录系统后的20分钟内没有操作,并再次执行操作,则系统将提示“候选人未登录”,或者被迫从系统中注销并未保存的志愿者将被保存。候选人必须再次登录系统才能填写应用程序。
1。通过手机上的微信重置密码。候选人使用手机遵循“ hebei省教育考试学院”的微信官方帐户(),输入“密码检索”页面,然后通过自助服务的面部识别重置密码。
省教育考试学院的官方网站宣布了“ 2024年在河北省的县咨询服务站(城市,地区)和一般高中大学入学考试的联系信息”。候选人还可以查阅当地咨询服务站以进行密码重置和其他相关事项。
特别提醒:录取条例是高校的主要形式,向公众发布招生信息,是其入学工作的主要基础。在候选人最初决定申请大学和大学的主要(类别)之后,他们必须仔细阅读其入学规定。如果某些高校对外语,身体状况等有特殊要求,并且某些专业(类别)的学费较高,则将在入学规定中澄清。候选人必须根据大学和大学的主要(类别)的相关要求填写其申请,以避免影响入学。由于长度和现场的局限性,申请系统,“ 2024 Hebei省普通大学入学考试计划”和“ 2024 Hebei 入学考试法规”仅摘录了大学录取法规的某些内容。截至目前,尚未宣布一些大学的宪章,而某些大学的宪章内容可能会在后期发生变化。候选人必须登录教育部的“阳光学院入学考试”信息平台(网站:)或大学的官方网站,然后填写其申请。此外,候选人还应了解学校的性质,无论是公立,私立学校还是独立学院等。独立的学院是实施由普通大学,社会组织或个人共同组织的大学教育的学院,并且是私人的。一些独立的大学名称与公立大学的名字相似,但与同一所学校不同。候选人必须注意这种区别。
六是其他参考材料。包括“关于2024年赫比(Hebei)2024年通用大学和大学入学评分分布的统计数据”,2024年赫比省普通大学和大学的录取准则,以及“ 2024年赫比省普通大学和大学艺术的录取指南”。其中,“关于赫比2024年版中普通大学和大学入学评分分布的统计数据”主要包括过去三年中全国赫比省全国普通大学的录取,包括对入学人数,最高得分,最低得分,平均得分,平均得分,平均得分,平均得分,统计数字,每个录取的统计数字的录取; “ 2024 Hebei省级通用大学招生申请指南”和“ 2024 Hebei省级通用大学录取艺术申请指南”介绍了最近几年的大学入学考试招生的相关政策,法规,操作程序和预防措施,并在最近几年收集和组织并组织并组织了相关的大学入学数据和材料。这些材料可以为候选人提供参考,以填写其申请申请。
首选的主题是物理学的一般和体育候选人。检查“ 2024 Hebei 一般高等教育招生计划(物理主题组合)”。首选的主题是历史上的一般和体育候选人。检查“ 2024 Hebei 一般高等教育招生计划(历史主题组合·同行)”。为了促进候选人的访问,艺术专业的入学计划在“ 2024 Hebei省级一般高等教育入学计划(身体主题组合)”和“ 2024 Hebei省级一般高等教育招生计划(历史学科组合·历史组合·对方)”中列出,但它们不是相同的计划和历史训练,并不是相同的主题。根据入学机构的要求,对于对首选主题有要求的艺术专业的要求,我们省的招生计划应表示“ [只有招募候选人的首选主题]或“ [只有[只有招募候选人的候选人是[ ]]”。候选人建议候选人检查并不满足任何不满意的主题。
对于在二级职业学校进行相应入学考试的候选人,请查看“ 2024 Hebei 高等教育入学计划(历史学科组合·计算机)的相应计划”。
首先,在候选人应用程序系统中填写的学校法规,主要代码和其他内容应受到“ 2024 Hebei省级一般高等教育入学计划”的发布(物理学主题组合/历史学科组合·同行)。省教育考试学院尚未宣布尚未宣布的招生学院和计划,将安排入学学生。候选人应特别注意他们打算在“录取计划”中申请的计划,主题类别和入学批次(细分市场)的性质,并在填写申请表时做出正确的选择。
本科生的本科生。包括其他国家特别计划,由公共资助的教师学生(包括出色的教师的特殊项目)和免费的医学目标学生等。在“专业(类别) +学校”的单位中实施了平行的志愿者模型,其中一个集中式应用程序和一项集合的应用程序,一个“专业(类别) +学校” +一个志愿者,最多可以填写96个应用程序。
2。本科学位。包括一般的本科专业,当地的特别计划,本科预备课等,这些课程不包括在本科早期批次中。在“专业(类别) +学校”的单位中实施了平行的志愿者模型,其中一个集中式申请和两个志愿者收集时间,一个“专业(类别) +学校”为一名志愿者,每次都可以填补多达96名志愿者。
4。专业证书。包括普通大学专业的专业,未包含在初级学院早期。在“专业(类别) +学校”的单位中实施了平行的志愿者模型,其中一个集中式申请和两个志愿者收集时间,一个“专业(类别) +学校”为一名志愿者,每次都可以填补多达96名志愿者。
(1) to art major types, the art plan is into 19 , music (vocal music) , music ( music), dance , art and , drama and film and , , drama and film , and , , opera inter- joint , music (vocal music), music (乐器音乐),舞蹈统一考试,艺术和设计统一考试,戏剧和电影和电视统一考试,服装统一考试,戏剧和电影和电视总监统一考试,广播和主持统一的考试,书法统一检查。候选人应在“招生计划”中选择相应的学科和学院(专业),以根据统一的艺术考试,省级联合艺术考试,学校考试成绩和学校考试证书来填写申请范围,以进行自己的专业考试。如果歌剧院(专业)具有录取类型,专业/乐器要求,则必须根据他们获得的合格证书来填写相应的学院(专业)。
本科生的本科生。包括使用Hebei省艺术考试成绩作为入学专业成绩的艺术本科专业的专业。以“专业(类别) +学校”为单位实施平行的志愿者模型,其中一名集中式申请和一名志愿者,一个“专业(类别) +学校”作为一名志愿者,每次都可以填写多达70个申请。
②毕业生初级学院。它包括艺术专业,分为平行的志愿者和顺序志愿者。其中,如果将河比省艺术考试得分用作入学的专业得分,则将实施基于“专业(类别) +学校”单位的平行志愿者模型,其中一项集中式申请和一个志愿者的集合,以及一个“专业(类别) +学校”将被用作一个志愿者,并最多可以用作70个志愿者,可以填写时间。如果歌剧界跨联合考试得分被用作入学的专业得分,则将实施一个顺序的志愿者模型,其中一项集中式申请和一名志愿者,每次都可以填补一所学校,每所学校都有6个专业志愿者和1个专业合规调整选项。
2。不组织专业考试的艺术专业包括两个部分。 First, eight art , art , art , , drama, film, drama, film and , radio and , film and , etc., art , art , , drama, film and , radio and , film and , etc., have that art be using the of大学入学考试文化课程。 , art in that do not ' based on the . In , the art plan for is in the and , and the rules for the batch are .
to the of the , some and have the above in the and their , and are with "art using the of the ". Some and have not the codes with their , and are under the same code, but they are also art using the of the .
is into two : early batch and early batch.
1. for . It is into two A and B, and is in in .
early batch of . the of Hebei . a model based on . Set a and a will be in once.
early batch of . that use Hebei 's major test as for . a model based on " () + " as the unit, with one and one of , one " () + " as one , and up to 70 can be in each time.
2. Pre-order for . that use Hebei 's major test as for . A model is in the unit of " () + ", with one and one of , one " () + " as one , and up to 70 can be in each time.
7. How are the and for set up?
The is into two : the and . Both have one and one of . The model is in the unit of "". Each can be in 5 and (each has 6 and 1 ). Among them, the batch will be in the form and in the B of the early batch, and the batch will be in the form and in the early batch.
8. What is the in the order of and in the of “ () + ”?
The " Plan" shows () under the same . When out the , first fill in the code, then fill in no more than 6 major codes, and to check the major to obey the based on their , thus a ; when out the of " () + ", first fill in the code, then fill in the code, thus a , and there is no major to obey the .
9. What is the of for " () + "?
The of of " () + " is "score , the , file one time, no fill in the file". The who have not been will be . In with the of each major () of the , the of for is based on the plan and the ratio. The is based on the total of the ( bonus ), and art and are to the , from high to low , and filed in order in with the order of the ' , and the will the best .
, it is to start with the first, and the from the first based on the 's , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., and from the first in turn. If the first has an empty , the file will be . If the is full, the will be , and so on. Once filed, the 's will be . Then for ... until all who have full plans or do not meet the . If all the in by a do not meet the , they be filed.
10. How to fill in the "major () + " model?
Our of " () + " in the early batch, early batch, art early batch, early batch, and early batch.
Under this model, the for is based on "major () + ", that is, one and one major () is 1 . For , if you want to apply for three in , , and at Hebei , you need to apply for three units: Hebei + , Hebei + , and Hebei + .
Under this model, the can fill up to 96 each time, and the art and can fill up to 70 each time. must meet the of the of the major () they to apply for. Those who do not meet the fill in.
The model of " () + " no has the of major . do not have to worry about being to a major they don't like, nor do they have to worry about " the level they don't obey major ." , it is to that under the mode of " () + ", to a does not mean that it is . must read the and plan out their . For , some have , some have for , , , color and other , and some have for , , etc. fill in the based on their own to avoid being they do not meet the of the .
11. What are the about the of "major () + "?
, there are three about :
1: You can times in one level or times. In the same batch of () can fill in () at one time, but in the , the is only once. That is to say, even if meet the , among these that meet the , they can only the one in the front, and once the is filed, the other will be and no the . After , they are for some , and even if there are still that meet the , they will no the .
2: There is no order of . For , have order. The order of is the order of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... that the fill in, so must the order of and fill in their in the front .
3: There is no risk after . can risks, they risks in all: one is the risk of being . Some and () have for ' , , color and other , types, , etc. ' files are to the major () of a . If they do not meet the above of the major (), they may be . The is the risk of not being able to files. If the 's own is , the for the is too high, and there is no the , it may cause the for the to fail to meet the and the 's file be .
12. What are the for out the for " () + "?
First, read the "2024 Hebei Plan", the name of the , type of , major ( ), level, , , fees, plan , etc.
The is to study the of . You learn more about the , rules, , major , and other , and pay to the of for each major, such as , , - , , , etc., and check you meet the of the major () to be for, so as to avoid being due to low in the and that do not meet the .
The third is to the to fill out the . Take into all such as your , , and , , , etc., the scope of and you are to study, and a of "major () + " .
, and study data. can the of the in years based on their , with the plans, , etc. of the of the and in years, and refer to the of that are close to the in the past three years, and the , and of the of , and the "major () + " for the 选择。
Fifth, . After the , to the of "one rush, one , one , and one ", a of and () are as the in three . Under the new model, the of can fill up to 96 each time, and the art and can fill up to 70 each time. the , as many as and fill in their . You try to fill in your , and one more will be the to get .
Sixth, the order of . to your own , there be a the . It is not to fill in all high-score , nor do you have to fill in all low-score . You can place your that you have score but like very much "rush" in the front, and your that you have score and are in the to " and ", and your that you have a score and are in the end " one".
13. How many does major have for ?
There are four for in and :
First, if the for re- are not , who meet the for the can apply;
, if a for is , must the they can apply. If a major in a makes for , who meet the of the and who to take can apply;
Third, if the for two re- and both must be , must these two at the same time they can apply. If a major in a makes for and , who meet the of the and who and at the same time can apply;
, if you two re- and only need to one of them, can apply for any one of the two . For , a major in a to or , and who meet the of the first- and only need to or can apply.
14. How to check the of the for ?
can log in to the of the to apply for , or check the "2024 Hebei Plan".
15. How to check the data of years?
First, log in to the of the to be in for .
The is to check the " on the of of and in Hebei 2024", "2024 Hebei Guide" and "2024 Hebei Art Guide" by the . These and data and on in years.
The third is to query the Hebei . log in to the "Hebei " () for based on the (user name) and the last six (first login ) or the the .
, query the Hebei . out the , log in to the of the (: or ) and can check the and of and () in years.
16. How are the of art and ?
of in art and :
(1) Art and , music, dance, , and table () : score = total score of the ( bonus ) * 0.5+ ( score ÷ full score) * 750* 0.5, the is and 3 . for and = total for the ( bonus ) *0.7+ ( score ÷ full score) *750*0.3, and the is and 3 . The full of the above- art are 300 .
(2) : score = total score of the ( bonus ) *0.3+ ( score ÷ full score) *750*0.7, the is and 3 . The full score for is 400.
17. Can art and apply for ?
Art and can also apply for , but each time they fill out their ( or of ), they can only one to fill out the in the same batch ().
18. How to fill out the form for in the plan?
The plan are in the early batch A and B. who have the of local and have the can fill in the . Among them, plans with such as , , and are in the early batch A , while other are in the early batch B .
The plan for early batch A is in . It is to fill in and in a . Only one can be in at a time, and there are 6 and 1 . The plan for early batch B is in , with and of . Up to 96 can be in each time, and the will be with free and - ( for ) and .
19. How to fill out the form for in and ?
The plan for and is in the C of the early batch, and are . One is set to fill in the . No is . Two can be in (ie one first and one ). Each has 6 and one major . After the first is , if a fails to the plan, the will be to the to fill in the file of with the for and . who have the of and are on the of 's “ ” can fill in the . The plans of some do not plans. and will and based on the ' and in each . are asked to the 's or the .
20. How to fill out the form for for local plans?
The local plan is in the , and the codes are and in the with the , and the same batch as other , and the same batch is , and are . Set up to fill in and in a , and up to 96 can be in each time. who have the of local and have the can fill in the .
21. What are the of who have to the plan, plan, and local plan to give up their or drop out?
to the of the of , who have been to the plan, plan, and local plan in years will no have the to apply for the plan.
22. How to fill in the for ( armed ) and ?
The plan of the ( the armed , the same below) is in the early batch A , and is , with one and one of . can apply for one each time, and each has 6 and 1 . The time for is from 12:00 on June 26 to 12:00 on June 27.
who have the for () can still apply for () the early batch A the time. Among them, who pass the and by the will have their (major) for the early- A class are ; who fail the by the or fail the will have their (major) for the early- A class are ; who fail the by the or fail the (major) for the early- A class are .
The Army of the civil plan for the early A and the plan for the in the Air Force and the Navy . do not need to in and , have no after , and do not enjoy the of and . These two types of plans are in with the batch of , and are not the scope of for and on June 26 to 12:00 on June 27.
The plan of the Air Force and the Naval is in the A-level early batch. who have in , and by the Air Force and Navy in the early stage can fill in the . They do not need to in the and by the and . will fill in their with the early batch of A . The time is from 9:00 on June 28 to 17:00 on July 2.
For other , refer to the for of , or pay to the of the in a to check the .
23. How to fill out the for of ?
This year, our has added a new plan. for must in the and by local and pass the . The major is in for and the plan is "non-". It is into codes and into with in and . a model based on , with one and one of . Each can fill in one , and each can fill in up to 6 and 1 .
is out by the . who to apply for of will log in to the of the Hebei (: or visit https://) the to apply for of in the from 12:00 on June 26 to 12:00 on June 27. The time for out for will be out with the , from 12:00 on 7 to 10:00 on 8.
who fill out the for of will not the and of early batch and batch. If they are at the level, they in the of early batch of . who have the for of , if the and pass, their for of will take . When out the for at the level (12:00 on July 29 to 17:00 on 1), they fill out the for early batch of , but they can fill out the for ; if the or fails, their for of will be . When out the for at the level, they can fill out the for early batch of and .
For of the to of , refer to the "Hebei 2024 of ".
24. How to fill out the for ?
for the early- major must in the , , and by the Hebei as and pass the . are all in the early batch A and early , and is , with one and one of . Each batch () can only be in one at a time. Each has 6 and 1 major .
The plan for is from the , and is after all plans. The batch is the A-level early batch, and is . One and one of can be in. Only one can be in each time, and each has 6 and one major . The plan of the 's of China is a non- major. It does not in , , and by the Hebei . It will find after . It will be in the early batch B with the plan of other and . is , and and of are set up.
The in the of the 's of China and the 's do not need to in the , , and by the Hebei .
For other , refer to the for to the or with the .
25. How to fill out the ?
The plan is , and is . Only one can be in for each batch (). The civil plan of the 's Army Army is to be in the early batch A , and the plan of and is to be in the early batch C , see this year's plan for .
26. How to fill out the for for high-level teams?
for high-level teams must pass the and be by the of 's “ ” “High-level Team ”. The batch is the C of the early batch, and are . There is a for one time, and no is out. You can fill in 1 , with 6 major and 1 major .
It is to that when out the , check the 's or the . If you have any , the in time.
27. How to fill out the for paid ( for )?
Some under the of and some in our to of - ( for ). The - are to be in the B early batch of the . They are set to fill in and in a . Each time, they can fill in up to 96 . They can be with free and plans, and they can be with the same batch.
The of to the of - . It is a plan for of for areas in the and . It is for the whole and is into ( by under and ) and local ( by Hebei and Hebei ), and is in - ( and - and key in the and work). The items of the of are as - , with the code , and the " items of " are after the name. are with - , free , and the plan. The are all in the B batch of .
In to the above - ( for ), - ( for ) for types such as arts, , and plans are in the and .
must sign an after being to ( for ). the and for .
In 2024, six under the of will carry out for ( for ) with and , with the goal being full-time 's . The to study for ( to as ) based on their in the first three years of . Those who have the 's and meet the 's 's can be to be to the full-time 's major in in the , and the pre-study study of the 's in the year of . who have from the of - will no be for . After , - to their where they are from to teach in and , and to in and for more than 6 years. After the first-year is , the - sorts out the of - since their . are in the scope of the in the where the are from whom they are from were in order. After by the , the on the of (city) in the " on of to " will be . - must their after . If they fail to their or have , they shall bear in with the " on - for in the and ", and of is in the and will be with the in a . The of is in their files. If a fail to a 's and a the 's study , they shall be as of , and the they have shall be and shall be paid. For , refer to the " of the of the State on the of and other " ( [2024] No. 27), or the .
28. How to fill out the free ?
who have the of the in the place of and have the can fill in the free plan for rural of and ( to as free ). , the will be .
The -level free is by Hebei , North China of and , and Hebei of , and in (Hebei of is ). The plan is in the B of the early batch. The of the plan is "non-". It a model based on " () + ". It is set to fill in one and one of . One " () + " is 1 , and up to 96 can be in each time.
The -level free plan is by and . The major is major. The plan is in the early batch. The of the plan is "non-". It a model based on . It is to fill in the form one time and time. Each can be in with 6 and 1 .
For , refer to the " for the of Free in Hebei and Rural in Hebei in 2024".
29. How to fill out the ?
The class the class and the class for of . These two types of are into , into , and and of are set up. They are in with other and , and with the same batch. The of " () + " can be , and up to 96 can be in each time.
Among them, the for only for , while the for of only who have the of of .