2024-12-23 22:07:02发布 浏览187次 信息编号:188916
火爆的2023成都车展于8月25日正式拉开帷幕,据我们统计,当天比亚迪宋L、方宝宝5、全新北京BJ40等近百款重磅新车上市、首发、预售,全新国产宝马X5、坦克400 Hi4-T、全新宝马iX1等车型。值得一提的是,为了让您更好地找到您感兴趣的品牌,本文按照1-16号馆分页。您可以在下面的目录中找到相应的跳转链接,然后点击您想要前往的大厅。 。那么,我们一起去看展览吧!
★ 1号馆
近日,在2023成都车展上,江铃福特皮卡正式开启预售,共推出1款车型,预售价26.98万元,限量800辆。同时官方表示其入门版的售价不会高于16万元。 10月,西南地区首店开业,纵横体验店已布局全国。首款车型Ford 1st带来了丰富的原创越野改装和令人眼花缭乱的专属设计元素。作为国产车型,该车将通过江铃福特技术渠道销售。
Ford 1st 第一版配备了前/后钢制保险杠和底盘装甲。经过严格验证的原装绞盘,可以大大提高车辆在野外的救援和自救能力。独特的向后涉水喉进气口设计,不仅增加了涉水深度,保证发动机获得充足的空气,而且与整车更好地融为一体,有效防止雨水、沙子侵入进气系统。
车辆中央是一块12.8英寸垂直中控屏,尺寸巨大,配备了最新的SYNC 4信息娱乐系统。整个多媒体系统也进行了本地化调整,增加了高德地图、全民卡拉OK等本地化应用。 ,并支持,整个汽车系统响应速度快,触摸控制灵敏,硬件配置较高。新车还具备智能语音控制功能。新车还配备了更高的安全系统,包括碰撞预警、自动紧急制动、盲点检测、开门预警、疲劳监测、手持电话监控等。
◆ 起亚EV5
不得不说,从新款K5开始,我们熟悉的起亚设计又回来了,新的家族标志也逐渐出现在我们面前。起亚EV6采用“ ”设计理念,呈现溜背跨界风格。车辆的造型也比较独特。锋利的线条勾勒出车头、侧面和车尾,赋予其强烈的战斗气质。高大的贯穿式尾灯和车尾全新的品牌标识展现出全新的品牌形象。
动力方面,起亚EV6提供77.4kWh长续航版本和58kWh标准续航版本,有四轮驱动和两轮驱动选项。其中,标准续航后轮驱动版最大功率170马力(125kW),最大扭矩350牛米;准续航四驱版本的最大功率为235马力(173kW),最大扭矩为605牛米。 0-100km/h加速时间为6.2秒。 EV6长续航后轮驱动车型最大功率228马力(168kW),最大扭矩350牛·米,最大续航里程528公里(WLTP)。 EV6长续航四驱版最大功率325马力(239kW),最大扭矩605牛·米。最大续航里程为506公里(WLTP),0-100公里/小时加速时间为5.2秒。
◆Vucta V DD-i 超级混合动力 110km iT
8月25日,2023成都车展正式拉开帷幕。在启辰展台,启辰V DD-i超混110公里iT车型正式开始交付。该车此前已上市,共推出4款配置车型,价格区间为11.89万-14.99万元。新车定位紧凑型SUV,是启辰首款应用DD-i超混技术的产品。
★ 2号馆
8月25日,2023成都车展正式拉开帷幕。在吉利展台,吉利银河旗下紧凑型轿车银河L6正式开启预售。新车共推出4种配置,预售价区间为12.8万元-15.8万元。 。
内饰方面,该车采用了环抱式座舱设计。 10.25英寸的窄条纹液晶仪表和13.2英寸的竖排中控屏,让这款车拥有了足够的科技感。同时,新型多功能方向盘也提升了车辆的视觉品质。值得一提的是,官方称该车将拥有270°软触环绕式设计后排座椅、256色氛围灯以及智能香氛系统。据此前消息,吉利 L6将搭载高通骁龙8155芯片,将大幅提升用户的数字交互体验。同时,该车还搭载了生成式AI产品——哇壁纸以及基于AI智能语言搜索引擎的车外语音交互功能。
车身尺寸方面,其长宽高分别为4782/1875/,轴距为。动力方面,新车将搭载e-CMA智能电混架构以及全新一代雷神智能电混8848以及宙斯盾电池安全系统。根据此前申报信息,该车将搭载雷神1.5T混合动力专用发动机,型号为BHE15-BFZ,搭配P1+P2双电机。发动机最大功率为120千瓦。根据此前的信息,该车将搭载3速DHT Pro变速箱。
2023年成都车展上,上汽大通MAXUS 7正式上市。新车共推出3种配置,售价区间为25.98万元-29.98万元。新车定位为中型电动MPV。外观采用家族式设计语言打造,内部则是内置连续屏布局。同时,新车将支持充电/换电两种能量补充模式。详细售价见下表:
● 上汽大众
动力方面,目前蔚然全系均搭载2.0TSI发动机。根据配置有低功率()和高功率()两个版本。最大功率分别为186马力(137千瓦)和220马力(162千瓦)。峰值扭矩分别为320 N·m 和350 N·m。传动方面,发动机匹配7速DSG湿式双离合变速箱。
● 上汽荣威
◆荣威D7 EV/荣威D7 DMH
2023年成都车展上,荣威D7 EV和D7 DMH双车首次亮相。新车是荣威旗下一款全新的中大型轿车。作为荣威品牌新能源产品系列“D家族”的首款车型,整体设计营造出更加年轻前卫的视觉效果。
“荣威 D7 DMH;荣威 D7 EV”
外观方面,新车前脸采用了全新的机电设计语言,与现有荣威系列产品的设计不同,整体更具辨识度。具体来说,荣威D7 EV和DMH采用了差异化的造型。 D7 EV采用封闭式前脸、分体式大灯设计; D7 DMH采用一体式大灯,前进气格栅采用左右延伸和上下支撑。这些设计元素让整车看起来更宽。
“荣威 D7 DMH;荣威 D7 EV”
“荣威 D7 DMH;荣威 D7 EV”
荣威D7 EV诞生于上汽星云专属纯电动平台。它将提供两款全新魔方电池,分别对应CLTC综合续航里程510公里和610公里。动力方面,新车将搭载VGA六合一电机和永磁同步电机,最大功率为155kW。 DMH混合动力版搭载混合动力专用发动机,热效率大于43%,综合油耗4.3L/100km。 CLTC工况下,其纯电动续航里程为125公里,综合续航里程为。
● 上汽名爵
名爵的外门把手被触摸按钮取代。在触摸按钮旁边和车门上,还有雷达探头,可以检测上方和侧面的障碍物,以防止开门时发生碰撞。另外,该车采用了无框车门设计,非常符合跑车的定位。 20英寸双色轮毂和红色制动卡钳增添了更多的动感气息。
在2023年的成都汽车展上,MG Mulan是MG SAIC Motor的紧凑型纯电轿车,已正式更名为MG4 EV。目前有7种销售汽车的型号,价格范围从129,800到186,800元不等。
这辆车不仅是国内市场的单营销模式。整个车辆形状是由SAIC的中国和英国团队共同开发的。除了中国市场外,它还需要满足欧洲和更多国家用户的汽车需求。整体车辆形状采用了更激进,运动的设计语言,尤其是车辆的前部看起来非常凶猛。作为专注于青年运动的纯电动汽车,MG Mulan从侧面看时非常紧凑。它的实际外部维度和体积与大众ID.3相似。这种形状使穿越拥挤的交通并在各种停车位上停车变得更加容易。中心也更方便。
在电源方面,新车提供了两个布局:后部单电动机和前后双电动机布局。单电动机提供两种功率:125kW和150kW;双电机版本的最大功率为315kW,峰值扭矩为600n·M,其0-100km/h的加速度仅需3.8秒。同时,这辆新车配备了SAIC的“ Magic Cube”电池,提供了51kWh(铁磷酸锂电池)和64KWH(三元锂电池)。在巡航范围方面,双轮驱动型号的最大巡航范围为425公里和520公里(CLTC),具体取决于电池,四轮驱动型号的最大巡航范围为460km(CLTC)。
在2023年成都汽车展上,BYD的官方中型SUV The New Tang家族宣布了预售价格,范围为250,000至310,000元,并带来了“ 2个无担心的汽车购买政策,1辆无忧的汽车保证,包括“ 5种独家VIP服务和5个智能在线服务”,包括多个特权。新型号将有银色釉面的白色和冰川蓝色,并将添加一种特殊的Ares 型号。
作为拜德王朝的旗舰SUV,唐家族依靠美学设计,在内部和外部都进行了全面的刷新。在外观方面,新车有银色釉面的白色和冰川蓝色的新车颜色。其中,银釉白色的灵感来自唐朝的官方窑炉,并表达了中国的气质。同时,Tang EV 版,Tang DM-P冠军版/战争之神增加了中国结的型号,表达了中国文化的高端质量。此外,这款新车还带来了20英寸和21英寸新风格的车轮,从而改善了整体视觉效果。
在室内,Tang家族添加了一种新的Lotus Root Gray配色方案(7座版本),其灵感来自Tang ,Lotus Root Silk 的一半的流行色彩,视觉感温暖而平静。同时,新车的内部包括较大的软皮革包装,以及中国结数字面板,抗菌模块和其他配置,以使机舱更加高档。
此外,为了满足用户的个性化需求,Tang DM-P 推出了《战神》版的特殊模型。这款新车的灵感来自盔甲,并注入了银砂黑色配色方案,具有高性能的金色装甲黄色6活塞固定夹具(前),带来了强烈的视觉冲击。内饰采用了黑色和黄色的对比设计,黑色高级绒面革装饰有黄色缝线,从内而外释放了深厚的战斗气氛。
就其他配置而言,Tang家族在智能和性能方面有多次升级。其中,全赛纳里奥数字密钥可以提供各种车辆解锁方法,尤其是手机NFC汽车钥匙与Apple Watch和其他受支持的设备兼容,从而使用户方便使用。该汽车配备了基于处理器的(5G)智能网络连接系统。它与高通公司一起,深入定制了一个支持5G的汽车座舱平台。整个车辆的智能语音互动都支持在所有场景中的连续对话,在可见时说话,随时打断,四色唤醒和与真实人相当的AI声音。唤醒响应时间仅为400ms,1000多个核心汽车控制功能的覆盖率为100%。此外,一个ID帐户系统可以实现帐户识别,个性化设置和生态联系的三个主要功能。上车后,将自动加载与用户帐户相对应的个性化设置,以增强智能体验。
在性能方面,Tang EV 在全面的工作条件下具有高达730公里的纯电气系列,并配备了最大170kW Safe Boost DC快速充电。充电需要10分钟,电池寿命可以提高到173公里。在所有情况下,Tang DM-P冠军版/战神版本都可以满足用户对汽车的使用。 Tang DM-I 添加了远程版本,其纯电动系列为200公里。在全面的工作条件下,燃油消耗仅为5.5升/100km,范围高达100公里。
此外,新车标准配备了FSD可变阻尼悬架系统,该系统可以灵活地适应复杂而多样化的道路状况,从而带来更好的驾驶体验。其中,Tang DM-P冠军版215公里四轮驱动旗舰模型,Tang DM-P War of War ,Tang EV 730公里独家型号/635公里四轮驱动旗舰型型型号配备了-C 人体控制系统和CCT舒适控制技术。
8月25日,2023年的成都汽车秀正式启动。在活动中,BYD正式宣布了其中型轿车Seal DM-I的预售价格。它启动了总共6种配置模型,预售价格范围为17.68-24.68。一万元。同时,根据以前的信息,该汽车将于8月推出。
密封DM-I的中央控制面板继续了海洋系列模型的整体布局。将晶体透明的水晶齿轮杆嵌入其中,作为子仪器面板的视觉核心,并与一组机械按钮一起形成“海洋之心”控制中心。 “海洋之心”还整合了共同的功能,包括启动,电源模式,驾驶模式选择,空调和音频控制。值得一提的是,密封DM-1的仪表板创新地采用了“ 2+1”组合配置,即两个大屏幕:W-H-H-H-H-H-H-Head-Up 和15.6英寸的自适应旋转悬架垫和一个10.25英寸全LCD仪器,充满技术。
这辆车将配备两个BYD DM-I电源系统可供选择。包括1.5L版本和1.5T版本。至于纯电巡航范围,将有两个版本的121/200公里(NEDC操作条件)。值得一提的是,这也是中型插件混合动力轿车首次拥有200公里的纯电动巡航系列。此外,汽车的燃油消耗为3.9升/100km,0-100km/h的加速度为7.9秒。
在2023年的成都汽车展上,BYD将其新的中型SUV-Song L质量生产版本带给了消费者。这辆车的外观将采用比德的最新“先锋龙面美学”设计语言。根据以前的新闻,新车将于第四季度推出。
汽车的侧面有低身的姿势,滑倒的车顶线使汽车的后部看起来非常紧凑。在汽车车身侧面概述了多个腰围,增强了车辆的强度感。尾灯采用了简化的设计,还配备了可举起的后扰流板。歌曲L的车辆尺寸为4840/1950/,轴距为。这种尺寸大于Song Plus和Song Pro,它们也称为“歌曲”,与Tang相似。
在功率方面,新车建立在E- 3.0上,并将配备CTB电池集成技术,智能电动四轮驱动,云导航系统等。信息技术,它将提供单运动和双运动版本。四轮驱动版本配备了前后电动机,最大功率分别为150/230kW;单运动版的最大功率为230kW。
的第一款豹子5在2023年的成都汽车展上正式首次亮相,并宣布盲订单价格为300,000-400,000元。通过下订单,您可以锁定“从汽车价格中扣除3,000元人民币的1,000元意向押金”。 “和“礼物8,000元的可选设备基金”是两个限时福利。到2023年,覆盖60个一流和二线城市。
在外观方面, 5采用了更正方形的设计样式。当前的矩阵前大灯和窄条前格栅创造了良好的视觉层次结构感。同时,品牌徽标放置在格栅的中心,并与水平辐条整合在一起,使整个过程非常协调。此外,汽车的较低围墙具有野生的挡泥板设计,显示了硬芯光环。
5的卖点更多是其电源系统。根据官方介绍, 5是使用BYD新的DMO Super 越野平台的第一个模型,预计将配备-P智能液压身体控制系统。同时,新车将有两个电动机和三个锁。 5将是“垂直”发动机型号,因此它可以为云南系统腾出更多空间。此外,新车还将拥有1,200公里的全面范围。
在2023年成都汽车展上, 8 Cars正式向公众揭幕。该汽车仍然定位为越野SUV,整体形状更加魁梧。
8 Car仍然采用方形设计,但官员们说, 8 Car从科幻小说和未来汲取了设计灵感,并且具有更多的CyberPunk风格元素。与豹子5相比,豹8概念车的形状柔和。前面配有矩形格栅形状,大型大灯更精致,整体分层更为突出。较低的外壳具有野生的挡泥板设计,可增强硬核气质。
侧面形状较直,此设计有助于改善汽车中的座位空间。明显扩展的轮拱的形状使整个汽车更具运动状态。车顶架可增强车辆的功能可扩展性。此外,新车将具有良好的接地间隙和接近角度。作为越野概念车,汽车的后部形状也具有一种设计感,这与普通SUV有些不同,尤其是后方附着的备用轮胎,这会产生一种包装感和整体视觉效果非常粗糙。随着这辆车的推出,正式组建了“ 583个铁杆家庭”。有关这辆车的更多新闻,请继续关注。
●GAC :
◆ ES9
在2023年成都汽车展上,GAC ES9首次亮相。这辆新车具有非常魁梧的身材,并将被定位为该品牌的新旗舰车型。以前,新的汽车声明已经完成,让我们一起找出答案!
让我们看一下设计方面。这辆新车配备了大型前格栅,内部装饰有直瀑布式的黑色元素装饰。两侧的角头大灯以及下面的铲子形前唇,视觉效果非常出色。 。在后部,新车类似于当前的GS8。垂直的尾灯组形状在两侧都与双重障碍布局相匹配,从而使其具有丰富的分层感。就身体大小而言,新车的长度,宽度和高度分别为5115(4980)/ 1950/,轴距为。
在权力方面, ES9和 ES9 都配备了 2.0L发动机,最大功率为140千瓦,插电式混合动力系统,最高速度为180 km/h。我们将继续关注更多新的汽车信息。
4厅:坦克,聪明,北京,北京现代,梅赛德斯 - 奔驰,等。
◆新的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰GLE
8月25日,2023年成都汽车展开幕。梅赛德斯 - 奔驰正式宣布了新的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰Gle Coupe的价格。这款新车已通过4种配置推出,价格范围为843,800-947,800。有关新车的详细价格,请参阅下表:
新车的内部没有太大变化,配置和功能主要升级。 350配备M254 2.0T四缸发动机 + 48轻型混合动力车,最大功率为258马力,峰值扭矩为400 n·m(旧型号为370 N·m)。 450配备了M256 2.5T内联六缸发动机 + 48轻型混合动力车,最大功率为367马力,峰值扭矩为500 nm,并配有9AT变速箱。
◆新的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰GLB
在2023年成都汽车展期间,新的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰GLB正式推出比亚迪唐改装霸气外观,价格范围为311,900-367,900元。作为中期改头换面模型,这款新车在外观和室内设计上进行了某些更改,并已通过配置和其他方面进行了优化和升级。
新的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰GLB指南价格
GLB 200动态
GLB 200时装模型
GLB 220动态
GLB 220时装模型
GLB 220
在电源方面,新车仍然提供1.3T和2.0T选项。 1.3T的最大功率为163马力,峰值扭矩为270 nm。 2.0t的最大功率为190马力,峰值扭矩为300 nm。传输系统与7速湿双离合变速箱和8速湿双离合变速箱匹配。
◆新的梅赛德斯-AMG SL 63+
在2023年成都汽车展上,新的梅赛德斯-AMG SL 63+正式推出,价格为1.9998亿元。作为由AMG独立开发的8缸跑车,其软顶敞篷车,两门四座,V形8缸,四轮转向等。都使这辆车具有迷人的魅力。
梅赛德斯-AMG SL 63+指南价格
梅赛德斯-AMG SL 63+
新的AMG SL基于AMG新开发的MSA模块化跑车平台,该平台将SL汽车系列中固有的优雅设计与AMG的性能基因完美融合了。 AMG的标志性瀑布赛车格栅包括相同的14个格栅杆,设计灵感来自1952年出生的传奇跑车300 SL。除了新的家庭风格的LED大灯外,新的SL-SL-Class的正面还配备了使用活动的进气通道,该通道可以根据速度和温度控制进气量。
自第四代SL级级别以来,再次使用了软顶敞篷设计,这使其比上一代SL-SL-Class更轻21公斤,该级使用使用硬顶敞篷车。它可以在15秒内进行电折叠,并且可以在60 km/h的速度内打开和关闭此过程。借助软顶敞篷车的设计,折叠时敞篷车的空间更少,进一步增加了SL级的实用性。
汽车后部的设计语言也受到300 SL的启发。新的双宽骨悬架呈现出更大的身体和更圆形的线条。夸张的碳纤维扩散器在两侧都用电子阀包装了四个排气插座,这是一个真正的四个排气插座。打开时隐藏的主动扰流板看起来很酷。当车辆速度达到80km/h以上时,它可以提供五个不同的预设角来增强下压力。
As a car that is both and , the new SL-Class uses -Benz's , and does not skimp on . It uses a large of , suede, , fiber and other . The large most of the 's , and only the and AMG keys are as . This human- is rich in , has high in 360- , and even has a track lap timer.
The AMG wheel a three-spoke dual-row . The knob on the lower right can modes. There are five modes: wet, , sport, sport+, and track. On the lower left are two keys. You can by the , such as the or and the valve. The seats have modes of and are with seat and as .
In terms of power, the new -AMG SL 63+ is with a 4.0TV 8- twin- with an 585 and 800 Nm of . It only takes 3.6 to break 100km/h, and has a top speed of over 316km/h. The rear-wheel can make the rear and front 2.5 in the to the . In high-speed , it will make the rear and front turn 2.5 to body .
The new SL-class uses a new - alloy , which while only 270 of the frame. the soft-top helps it , with the in size, four-wheel drive and , the curb of this car is than the , and now its car has . Even so, the of the new , the of the 9-speed and the top black allow the to not feel the of the car at all when .
● smart
◆ smart elf #1
Auto show :
Price: 284,900 yuan
On 25, at the 2023 Auto Show, the smart Elf #1 with a new color was . The new car is at 284,900 yuan. The model three color : Red/ Black, Red/Matte Gray, and Black/Laser Red. This time, the new car will be in three : + red, all black and black and white paint. In , some will be .
Smart Elf #1 guide price
smart elf #1
In the part, the new color of + red makes the and more agile. The front face shape is more with the . The of the front are in black, and a large hood with red is added. The size of the front lip; the all-black color is , and the the of the new car. The front face of the new car a than the . The of the front is with air , and the - vents on both sides of the front are , the .
On the side of the body, the new car a two-color with for the body and roof. The roof shape makes the new car look more agile. In , the new car is also with door . The rear part of the car still the round and full . The are with the shape from the roof. The rear part looks like a " devil", with a hint of in the .
In terms of , the new car a black and red two-color . The wheel is with the "" LOGO, and the seat also have a "B" style LOGO. The match is more -style.
In terms of power, refer to the smart Elf #1 , which is with front and rear dual + four-wheel drive , with a power of 315kW, a of 543 N·m, and an time of 0-100km/h in only 3.9 . At the same time, the new car is also with a 66kWh pack, with a range of 500 under CLTC .
● Motor
Auto show :
Price: 99,800-133,800 yuan
At this Auto Show, the model of Motor was . The new car has 4 and the guide price is 99,800-133,800 yuan.
Guide price of new
1.5L GLS
1.5L GLX Elite
1.5L LUX
1.5L TOP
As a mid-term model, the new car will have in . Its front face has been with the style, and its flat shape a wide body . The scale-like the is very , and the three- of the lower is very .
The side of the car still a very sharp , a three- . it is a low-end model, it still 17-inch with a shape, and the tire size is 225/45 R17.
At the rear of the car, the new car will to use a -type , and the light on both sides T- , it . The two sides of the rear have a sense of and a sense of .
As for the , the new car is quite under the of the white film. The small-size with is of a "" style. There are knobs and air below, and the is very . The door and seats are in soft , and the 's seat is . The rear row is with air vents, and the floor has a bulge, and there is still no rear and .
In , the car, we can also see that the new car is with such as , voice , , , , and mode . In terms of power, the new car is to to be with 1.5L and 1.4T . The is with CVT and 7-speed dual- . The still uses rear beam non- .
◆ Musa high-end
Auto show :
Price: 147,800-167,800 yuan
the 2023 Auto Show, a high-end of Musa. This car is more in style than the model. Its price is 147,800-167,800 yuan.
Musa high-end guide price
LUX Black Night
TOP Style
TOP Black Night
The whole of the Musa high-end has been . The body is in matte black, and such as , , , side , etc. are all in gloss black. In the front part of the car, this car also uses a new style of front apron, which is more than the model.
In to the on the side, the the C- and D- has been and by a plate, which is also very . The rear of the car is the same as the model, and the ring- are .
The is the top in the of this car. Motor has the "Multi Zone" to the Z group, into such as space and space. It is into a - 's seat, a seat and and rear space. The three theme of Time , Space and also bring a . The 12.3-inch high- dual on the is with the 4.0. It has rich media , iQiyi , music, etc., and OTA .
In terms of power, it is with a power of 2.0L + 6AT , with a power of 161 (118kW) and a peak of 193 N·m. It 4 and 3 multi-road modes.
◆ N
Auto show : pre-sale
Pre-sale price: 259,800-278,800 yuan
At the Auto Show, which on 25, N a pre-sale price of 259,800 yuan, and the pre-sale price of the is 278,800 yuan. Pre-sales will start at 12:00 on 28. The new car will be with a 2.0T and an 8-speed dual- power , with an time of 0-96km/h in about 5.3 。 It is to be in the .
N pre-sale price
As an N high- model, the of the N is . The fully front and the newly X- front give it a sense of . In terms of , you can see the red lines on the car, 245/35 R19 PS4 tires, red with N logo, two large-size on both sides, and a fixed black .
the car, the new car still uses dual , and the and seats still use large areas of and soft . But the of the wheel, suede and red start will make all .
In terms of power, it is with N's 2.0T GDI Flat Power , which has wide-range power , with a power of 276 and a of 40 kgf·m (392 N·m). It is with an 8-speed wet dual- . 。
● :
◆ A07
Auto show : first
At the Auto Show, A07 met with us. This car is the first model in the new "" by , -range and pure for to from.
The new car is built with a brand-new . The front face looks very "new ". The front + -type set has one of the most in the . In , the front of the new car is with -type vents, which can make the look wider and lower. The LOGO of the new car can be as 1 and 0, which is also the basic of .
to the side of the car, the new car the very , and the is and . the and the same as that of the dark blue SL03, it is and wider, so its has from a mid-size car to a mid-to-large sedan. At the rear of the car, the new car also a very . The -type group + the duck tail is also a very , which can make the look more .
the car, the new car uses an in and with wood grain, and is with on the and door . The the car is and . In , the new car is with a two-spoke multi- wheel, and black are into the areas on both sides to a sense of . In , the new car will also be with a HUD and adopt a . The seats will also be with , which is to good .
In terms of body size, the , width and of the new car are 4905/1910/, and the is. In terms of power, the new car is built on the EPA1 , -range and pure for to from. The range of the uses a 1.5L cycle , which is with the Deep Blue SL03 -range . The has the The power is 66kW, and the power of the drive motor is 160kW. The pure is with a drive motor with a power of 258 . to the pure of SL03, the life of the pure is to be 515km and 705km.
● Cross :
◆ Brand new BJ40
Auto show : first
the 2023 Auto Show, the new BJ40 was to the . The new car a new , on and . to the , the car will be mass - at the end of .
"Auto Show Live Car"
The new BJ40 is more to the . The front part of the uses the "five - hole" . The lamp is with the to form a new label. Like some new , these also have the of lamps. For , some can be when team off -road, and the needs to be .
The front and rear of the new car are with an split, and the shape is very . The is that it is for users to . On the side, we can see that the rear uses "D" shape to . At the rear of the car, it has "F" , plug -in spare tires and five -hole high -level brake . In terms of body size, the , width, of the car is 4790/1940/1895 (1929) mm, and the is.
The has also into a that to the trend. The of is more. I don't know if can such a . On the whole, the of the new car is more and full of sense of , and it is with - .
In terms of , , , side , , side - are to . At the same time, from the of the , the total of the quasi - is: 750kg , with . And a , the with the port, the mop hook .
In terms of power, the car will be with a 2.0T by the model, with a power of 172 kW.
◆ BJ40 · Man
of the auto show:
the Auto Show, off -road a new BJ40, and also a of the of BJ40 · with . The car in many and has more off -road .
The BJ40 · uses a blue car paint, by black and to the . The color is very eye -. This car is with a new body , and the trim, , etc. are added to the front . At the same time, the car is also with a and extra .
From the side, the new car was with AT off -road tires, and the was also , but the list is not yet . Other roof racks, , side , etc. In , the last row of of the car is with a plate with a shelf .
● Tank:
◆ Tank 400 Hi4-T
Auto show : pre-sale
Pre-sale price: 285-2.95 yuan
At the Auto Show, which on 25, the tank 400 HI4-T pre-sale. The new car a total of 2 , of which the pre-sale price of the was 285,000 yuan, the pre-sale price of the ultra- was 295,000 yuan, pre-sale In the , the first non - car owner can be given the right of free basic , sets and other . The car is in the and large off -road SUVs, using a non -load - body, and with a 2.0T+P2 motor+9HAT plug -in .
Tank 400 pre -sale price
Pre -sale price (10,000 yuan)
Ultra -
"Auto Show scene"
at the new car, the tank 400 HI4-T a new . Like the front face shape of the , it is with the rivet and the rear shape of the , which is quite off-road. The new car has a quite tough body line, and the roof is with a sport -style .
The of the tail is , the small bag the off -road , and the tail light is also quite . The is open to the side, which is easy to get. In terms of body size, the , width, of the new car is 4985/1960/, and the is . The car is close to the angle of 33 °, the angle is 30 °, the is 224mm, and the depth is 800mm.
the car, the four - space of is used, 12.3 -inch LCD +16.2 -inch mid - +HUD head -up + , a full . The - air - on both sides of the also adds a to the new car.
The off-road super HI4-T uses the tank , which is the first to be with a 2.0T+9HAT of the tank 500 HI4-T and the tank 400 HI4-T. · M. The 9HAT high - 120kW high -power P2 motor. It with the to play a role of peak - , so that the power of the can reach 300kW, and the is as high as 750N · m.
On this basis, the new of smart four -wheel drive is , and the MLOCK lock can be , which can the to the of , the four modes are free to to meet the harsh needs of more off -road .
37.1kWh high - power , pure life 105km under WLTC. At the same time, it has a super 50KW fast , which only takes 24 from 30%-80%, and to an at any time. Multi - smart SOC can the at any time to off -road needs, user , and real -time of road , so that the of the is more in line with the user's daily car needs.
★ Hall 5
◆ Jietu
Auto show : pre-sale
Pre-sale price: 14.09-1809 yuan
At the Auto Show, which on 25, Jietu pre-sale. The new car a total of 5 with a pre-sale price range of 14.09-18,900 yuan. The new car will be with 8155 chip, power, and XWD fully four -wheel drive . The and shape are also very hard.
Jietu pre - price
Pre -sale price (10,000 yuan)
1.5TD 7DCT
Four -wheel drive 2. 2.
Four -wheel drive PRO2.
Four -wheel drive Pro+2.
In terms of , the new car is with tough body style. Among them, the net is with the "" brand logo and is to the . The group style is . The is and , and the sharp lines with full face.
On the side of the body, the of the are , and the shape of the wheel , the style, and it also the of the roof. The rear is the "small " . At the same time, the are under the black frame, the off -road . In terms of body size, to , the , width, of the new car is 4785/2006/, and the is.
The of the new car a of T -, which is clear and and . The is . The car is with large -scale large . Jietu will have more in "+" , , and . from the parts , the new car is with the 8155 chip . Can .
In terms of power, the new car will be with a 1.5T and a 2.0T for to from, of which the power of the 1.5T is 135 kW, the peak is 290 N · m, the power of the 2.0T is 187 kW, the peak is 390 Nm. The the 7 -gear dual - .
● Chery
◆ New Tiggo 7 Plus
Auto show :
Price: 9999-119,900 yuan
At the 2023 Auto Show, the new Tiggo 7 of the was . Among them, the new Tiggo 7 Plus 4 with a price range of 99,900 to 119,900 yuan. The of the new car is . The has at the the Auto Show.
Tiggo 7 Plus Price
1.5TCI 9CVT type
1. type
As a small model, the of the new car on the has not , but the body size has been . The , width, and are 4530 (4500)/1862/, and the is.
back at the of the car, the new car the new shape , the front face is with large -sized front , and the by trim is . LED group. In , the car adds a red trim to under the to the color of the front face, but also widen the .
On the side of the body, the new car a style, with roof and 19 -inch dual -spoke , which is full of . In terms of rear, the new car is with the group, with the of the two sides below, to the .
In terms of , the trim in the new car , door trim, etc. the high sense of the car. At the same time, the three -spoke multi - flat wheel with a 24.6 -inch , while the sense of , it also the sense of .
In terms of , the new car will 8 Sony brand , and some L2+-level ( ACC , LDW lane , AEB , etc.), W-HUD head , image, car (with three ) and so on.
In terms of power, the new car will 1.5T and 1.6T , with a power of 156 and 197 , and the peak is 230 N · m and 290 N · m. In terms of , it the CVT ( 9 gear) and 7 -speed dual - .
◆ Tiggo 7 New
Auto show :
Price: 12999-149,900 yuan
At the 2023 Auto Show, the new Tiggo 7 was . Among them, Tiggo 7 New three with a price range of 1299,999,900 yuan. The of the new car is . The has at the the Auto Show.
Tiggo 7 New Price
1.5TCI 3DHT 55KM
1. 100KM Speed
1. 100km
The Tiggo 7 New is with the new model of Tiggo 7 Plus, but the has been . The seat belt is the main of the main , and it comes with full -speed self - .
The Tiggo 7 New is with a 1.5T + dual motor power , the 3-speed DHT , the power of the is 240kW, and the is 545N · m, so as to 0-100km/h It's about 7 . Tiggo 7 PLUS's new WLTC have a range of 80km, a life of 1000+km, and the fuel of WLTC is 5.95L/100km.
As Chery 's first model with the 8155 smart , the Tiggo 7 Plus new the AI smart to the . By the 24.6 -inch + AI super , it a . 18 L2.5 -level , the of the of the RCW , the DOW door - to .
◆ 06
of the auto show:
At the 2023 Auto Show, the 06 in the debut. The new car was the plan of 06. It was the on 20. As a , Chery 06 to a total of 4 , at 1169,999,900 yuan, on "light-off-light", and will be to the fuel in the early stage.
It can be seen that the new car is with a red body. Under the of a large of kit, the new car has a gas field. At the level, the new car is with a large -sized Chery logo. With the on both sides, the is high. The new car uses a split group, and the are on both sides of the front face.
the 06 as a model. The of the body with width mech , tire tires, , and small . The is also , door , , trims, seats, , etc.
Its uses a and tough style, and is with a 13.2 -inch LCD and a full LCD panel and rod, which looks full of . In terms of , the new car will be with 8155 polar AI chip, 540 ° image, and W-HUD head-up . At the same time, it will also be with a L2.5 smart .
As a , the close angle of the of 06 is 21 , the angle is 29 , and the is 200mm. It can cope with the off -road . In terms of power, the new car is with a 1.6T and a 7 -speed dual - , with a power of 145 kW (197 ) and a of 290 N · m. The new car may be with a four -wheel drive and will a of modes such as snow, mud, and sand.
◆ Feiyu
Auto show :
Price: 16.78-8.2068 yuan
At the 2023 Auto Show, the Star Road Fish was . A total of 4 were with a price range of 167,800-206,800 yuan. Since the of in , the of fish super - has 67%, and it has been well by users. The Fish will to place this . fish ultra - a CDC , which can the to the road , which can take into and to a .
Fish Price
2.0TGDI 7DCT Feiyu
2.0TGDI 8AT Feiyu
2.0TGDI 8AT enjoy the fish
2.0tgdi 8at Enjoy the Fish
In terms of , the new car the front , and adds to . With the black trim above the and the lamp group on both sides of the link Very rich. At the rear of the car, the new car is with a large -sized roof , a high -level brake light is in the , and the group uses a and is with a shell.
In the part, the new car a dual - to the full LCD panel and the . The is with a air - air , plus a -spoke wheel and The color of the color is , so that the sense of of the new car is well . In terms of , the new car is with seats, front seat /, leg , head sound and other . With a 7 - and new air .
In terms of body size, the , width, of the new car is 4781/1920, and the is. In terms of power, the new car will to be with a 2.0T four - . The power is 261 (192 kW), the can reach 400 N · m, and the is with Aisin 8AT .
◆ Star Era ET
Auto Show : the first time of the
At the 2023 Auto Show, Star Star Era ET in the first . Star Era ET is a large -scale SUV of the high -end of the brand. The car has the at the Auto Show.
The new car uses a -based -spoke wheel and a long -strip LCD , and is with a large -sized touch . The lower part of the is the , and only two cup and space are . The air - of the new car a . The of the looks very and has a good sense of .
back at the , the of the new car is very avant -garde, the shape on the front face is sharp, and the LED light belt is used, and it also has an Exys brand logo. On both sides of the front siege, the of the "eight" type has a .
The side of the body uses a shape and door . The new car is as a and large pure car. Its car has a of about 4.95 , a of about 2.9 , and a width of about 1.96 . The tail a group and a large -sized rear glass. The will the of the new car to the . In , the new car is to have lidar and with more .
In terms of power, the new car may use the pack of Chery NP2.0 . to , 60kWh, 82kWh, and will be , 500-700km life. The fast can reach 5 of 150km life as soon as .
● Chery New
◆ icar 03
of the auto show:
At the 2023 Auto Show, the Chery ICAR 03 of the model in. With the of many parts, the new car has faded away from "". , Very eye -.
This the front face into dense trim, and the the "i" logo. The new car is added to the side of the car. The outer is with , and the dense -spoke - and off -road tires are . The roof of the new car adds a rack, and the small at the rear is also .
On the basis of the of the ICAR 03, the soft of the car is with brown , and some also uses a grid -based , which a sense of age.
with the , the new car will be with a motor, with a power of 135kW (184 ). In , the new car may a of and will be with a of L2+.
◆ icar 03
Auto Show : the first time of the
At the 2023 Auto Show, Chery ICAR 03's for the first time! , the new car had the , the hard -core pure SUV, and the in June. The price may be about 150,000 yuan.
In terms of , the shape and of the new car use the more tough . The of the , the and the below have the space and space . The three by ICAR 03 the of the and with the for .
back at the of the new car, the shape of the new car is , and the front face shape is very . After the on both sides are lit, the "i" shape will be . The new car at the Auto Show was with a brand logo. It is with - brand logo.
In terms of body size, the , width, of the new car is 4406/1910, and the is as the , and the 18 -inch and 19 -inch will be . The rear of the car will be with a side door and a plug -in "small ", and the shape of the the of the car.
In terms of power, the new car will be with a motor, with a power of 135kW (184 ). In , the new car may a of , and it will be with an of the L2+level.
◆ tough guy
of the auto show:
At the 2023 Auto Show, 's were . The new car was built based on the 2023 model and is a of the .
The 's tough guy first looks very tough. On the basis of the model, the new car is with a thick front on the front of the car, and an group is also . On the side, the car is with off -road and off -road , and the wheel arch is also and full of .
At the roof, this car is with a rack, with side - sky and LED . In , a boat is also .
The has also been . There will also be a set in the car, and a multi - will be to fish, , and .
This is based on the four -wheel drive . The power is with the - 2.0T +9 -speed +48V light , the power is 237 , the peak is 350 cow ·rice.
◆ Star Mori Wild Star Rider
of the auto show:
At the 2023 Auto Show, Star Wild Star was . It was a of the of the . The new car uses green car paint and wild . is as a SUV.
In terms of , Star's Milo Wild Star Rider uses an RS set, and the is to the . The mid -net uses a and the split .
The car side of the car the large and the black , which looks . The rear of the also a rear . The roof is with a rack for .
In terms of , the new car red and black color that the . The is with red . The seats, door panel and gears are also used in red . The has a . In terms of , the new car is wit